To expand the GRAVITY™ line to the track luminaire and to push the LED module to its maximum efficiency.
Industrial Designer: David Zermeno
Mechanical Engineer: Sergio Valdes
Optics Engineer: Xin Guo
The GRAVITY™ is made to fit into any architectural style and is focused on future proofing the product. Thinking about the long term cycle of the luminaire, the design has interchangeable exterior shields and heat sink. They can be changed out for a taller, shorter or different shaped parts. Designed for the ultimate in flexibility, GRAVITY™ track has no exposed hardware or heatsink.

"It is at Intense Lighting where I grasped the value of manufacturability and assembling of a product..."
Referencing back to what Intense Lighting has done in the past for track fixtures and examining its design language. I came up with several concepts that express a new subtle, refreshing style to Intense Lighting.

To test out how much the luminaire can rotate for maximum output without sacrificing light output, interference of moving parts, or stress on to the fixture, a full scale foam core and paper mockups were created in a timely manner.

Working closely with the Mechanical Engineer, we designed the heatsink so that the external shields would pass heat for maximum efficiency from the LED module. Utilizing passive thermal management, the luminaire delivers up to 4,000 lumens, 100lm/W and 40,000 CBCP.

Below is an image of a DAQ unit testing the thermal performance of the luminaire and making sure we pass ETL testing, which is required for our product to meet the safety standards.

An exciting day of receiving the first CNC prototype and assembling it to check fitment of parts and hardware.
